Ladies Bible Study - meets weekly Fall/Winter and Spring - led by pastor or lady deacons - attended by other denominations and from other communities. Usually use purchased material for program - either book and/or DVD.
Purls of Wisdom - monthly - knitting, crocheting, crafting group - ladies from outside our church also attend - coffee and sharing.
Women’s Missionary Society - meets monthly - except summer - supports local and foreign missions - host Lunenburg Queens ladies retreat every 4 years. Hosts birthday party for local Queens Manor residents.
Hillsview Acres Christmas Gifts - donations toward Hillsview Acres fund to provide gifts for clients.
Prayer Shawl ministry - we try to provide a prayer shawl for those in hospital or sick or bereaved or just in need.
Blessings Cups - a ‘leave behind’ for our Pastor to take to those he visits in hospital - to show we care - they contain some small useful items.
Three fund raisers - 2 teas - usually Spring and Christmas - and a Harvest Feast in the fall are held each year. These are worthwhile ventures financially, socially and serve as an outreach to the Community at large.
Brooklyn Baptist Church - Church Ministries